How do I disable or turn-off McAfee temporarily?
McAfee is one such antivirus that millions of people use in the world for different security reasons. Apart from making your device virus-free, it also comes along with several other benefits. However, at times, besides offering you incomparable features, it might become the cause of your headache leading to certain unknown issues. As a result of this, what many users do is uninstall McAfee and then re-install via . But, this practice should be avoided because you can always disable or turn off your McAfee antivirus for the time being. Why should you disable McAfee? On an off chance, if you experience that McAfee is restricting certain safe programs from loading, then you must think of disabling it temporarily. In case you really need to open that particular program, you must drop the idea of uninstalling McAfee completely and go with the following steps instead. The method to turn off McAfee protection If you have installed and activated McAfee via McAfee ...